February 23, 2025

Telugu Tech Tuts


Photoshop tutorials in telugu language part 14

Photoshop tutorials in telugu language

Photoshop enables you to carry out a variety of effects on various types of images. This program offers versatile tools through which you can add effects to image. It is the ‘Image Menu’ that enables you to add effects. Let’s take a closer look at the tools offered by this menu.

When you are dealing with Images in Photoshop, the first thing that you will be using is the Image Menu. The Image menu has many submenus, each of which enable you to carry out a particular function that transforms the look of the image that you are working with.

This submenu enables you to alter an image’s appearance and its color scheme. The options available here are Bitmap, Grayscale, Duotone, Indexed Color, RGB Color, CMYK Color, Lab Color, Multichannel, 8 Bits/Channel, 16 Bits/ Channel, and Color Table. These options enhance you to enhance the appearance of your image as you think is required. You can carry out many different color effects through this menu.

This submenu enables you to make adjustments to your image. It contains options such as the ‘Curves’ (which enables you to manipulate color), ‘Bright/Contrast’ (which enables you to set the brightness and contrast), ‘Hue/Saturation’ (which enables you to set the depth of color), and ‘Black and White’ (which enables you to set the image as Black or White). This submenu has a variety of options through which you can perform so many different effects on the image that you are working with.
Image Size

This submenu enable you to resize the size of your image. Not only can you change the height and width of the image, you can also change the height, width and resolution of your document. This option enables you to set the size of the working area of the document.

Canvas Size

This submenu enables you to change the working area of the image so that you have more space to work with.