February 23, 2025

Telugu Tech Tuts


How to learn excel 2007 in telugu Links and Text Group part 9

How to learn excel 2007 in telugu

Preset headers and footers are provided by Microsoft, or can be taken from documents you have used in the past.

  1. From the Ribbon, select the Page Layout command tab
  2. In the Page Setup group, click PAGE SETUPPage Setup button
    The Page Setup dialog box appears.
  3. Select the Header/Footer tab
    The Page Setup dialog box refreshes to display the Header/Footer options.
    Page Setup dialog box: Header/Footer tab
  4. From the Header or Footer pull-down list, select a preset header or footer
  5. Click OK
    The header or footer is applied to the document.
    NOTE: The header or footer may display the header or footer code on your screen, but the text will be visible when the worksheet is printed.

Creating Custom Headers and Footers

You may want to create your own headers or footers. You can adjust the font face and the size, add your own text, and add text that will be automatically updated with your document. Custom headers and footers may be added in two ways: using the Ribbon or the Header and Footer dialog boxes.

Adding a Custom Header or Footer: Ribbon Option

  1. From the Ribbon, select the Insert command tab
  2. In the Text group, click HEADER & FOOTERHeader & Footer button
    A header appears, divided into three sections, and the Design command tab is visible on the Ribbon.
    HINT: One section of the header appears on the left of the top margin, one in the center, and one on the right. Although all three sections may not be visible, clicking in one of these areas will cause that section to appear.
    Three sections of a header
  3. OPTIONAL: To work with a footer, in the Navigation section, click GO TO FOOTERGo To Footer button
    NOTE: The footer, like the header, is divided into three sections. Although all three may not be visible, clicking in one of these areas will cause that section to appear.
  4. Click the section of the header or footer where you want to add content
  5. Type or use the Header & Footer Elements to add all desired information
  6. OPTIONAL: To change the formatting of your text
    1. Select the text that you want to format
    2. From the Ribbon, select the Home command tab
    3. Using the commands in the Font group, make all desired formatting changes
  7. To stop working with your header or footer, click outside of it
    NOTE: The header or footer may display the header or footer code on your screen, but the text will be visible when the worksheet is printed.

Adding a Custom Header or Footer: Dialog Box Option

  1. From the Ribbon, select the Page Layout command tab
  2. In the Page Setup group, click PAGE SETUPPage Setup button
    The Page Setup dialog box appears.
  3. Select the Header/Footer tab
    The Header or Footer dialog box appears, respectively.
    Header dialog box
  5. In the Left section, Center section, and Right section text boxes, type or use the Header & Footer Elements to insert the desired information in each section of your header or footer
  6. OPTIONAL: To change the formatting of your text
    1. Select the text you want to format
    2. Click FORMAT TEXTFormat Text button
      The Font dialog box appears.
    3. Select the desired options
    4. Click OK
      The Font dialog box closes.
  7. When finished, click OK
    The Header or Footer dialog box closes.
  8. Click OK
    The Page Setup dialog box closes.
    If you created a header with multiple lines, it may overlap with the information on the spreadsheet.
    To ensure that your header with multiple lines is displaying properly, refer to Adjusting Margins.
    The header or footer may display the header or footer code on your screen, but the text will be visible when the worksheet is printed.