February 24, 2025

Telugu Tech Tuts


Adobe Dreamweaver tutorials telugu Part 3

Adobe Dreamweaver tutorials telugu

You can choose from four workspace that will provide you with a rich coding experience

Application Developer
Application Developer Plus
Coder Plus
All of the workspaces listed above show the Dreamweaver Code view by default and include panels that will be docked on the left-hand side of the screen. In addition the Application Developer, Code, and Coder Plus workspaces will remove the Property inspector from the default view.

If none of the default workspaces hits the right note, don’t worry. With Dreamweaver CS4 you can create your own layout by opening and docking panels where you want them and then save the workspace as a custom workspace.

Dock and undock panels

A dock is a collection of panels or panel groups displayed together, generally in a vertical orientation. You dock and undock panels by moving them into and out of a dock.

  • To dock a panel, drag it by its tab into the dock, at the top, bottom, or in between other panels.
  • To dock a panel group, drag it by its title bar (the solid empty bar above the tabs) into the dock.
  • To remove a panel or panel group, drag it out of the dock by its tab or title bar. You can drag it into another dock or make it free-floating.