February 23, 2025

Telugu Tech Tuts


CorelDraw x4 in Telugu Knife Tool Part 3

Knife Tool

Knife tool can be used to slice the object. Learn this carefully as it may be a bit confusing. Always remember that you need to start and end the cutting on the outline of the object.

1. Open Corel Draw. Select Rectangle tool and draw rectangle. Fill it with any color.

corel draw knife tool

2. Selection doesn’t affect this tool.

3. Select Knife Tool (marked with green circle in the image below).

corel draw knife tool

4. Position it on the outline of the rectangle where you want to start cutting. We started from the point that is marked with red circle.

corel draw knife tool

5. Once you position it will snap upright if the position is correct.

6. Drag the tool to the outline at the other end. We finished at the end on the outline which is marked by the yellow circle.

corel draw knife tool

7. Release the cursor when it snaps again upright to indicate that the end position is correct.

8. The rectangle is sliced into two parts.

corel draw knife tool

9. They are two different objects now that can be selected separately and fill different colors.

corel draw knife tool