February 23, 2025

Telugu Tech Tuts


Ms Excel 2007 Formulas in telugu Part15 ( Grade Formula )

There are several ways to turn student scores into letter grades. I recently came across a nested IF formula that did the trick, but it seemed rather complicated.

A better solution would be to use a VLOOKUP formula with a Grade Lookup Table, but then it occurred to me that the VLOOKUP formula could stand alone by using an Array Constant.

For all these solutions I’m using the following grade scale:

0 – 59 = F
60 – 69 = D
70 – 79 = C
80 – 89 = B
90 – 100 = A

The Nested IF Solution

Using the scale above as a guide, the following nested IF formula will turn a score from 0 to 100 into the correct letter grade.


This formula uses Score, which is a named range that contains all the student score