- Know about the pros and cons of different types of hackers, such as White Hat, Grey Hat and Black Hat hackers. Newbies who are keen to become a Black Hat need to keep in mind that “A day of glory is not worth years in prison”.
- Decide the area where you would prefer to work primarily with hardware or software. Do not think of specializing in both the areas. Though knowledge of both is required but the decision will help you to know where to begin. You must be aware of every function, every component of computer on which you will have to work on.
- Evaluate your strengths and interests and gain some programming knowledge such as C, Python or Java. These programming languages can be learned by taking formal programming courses and reading books. It will help you to read and write code.
- Learn the UNIX operating system as it is regarded as the original operating system built by hackers. Also learn about Windows and Mac OS.
- Do the experiments on your own to know the actual happening of a situation.
- Start experimenting with hardware and software to learn how to take control of the situations and how to prevent a computer from getting hacked.
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