April 20, 2024

Telugu Tech Tuts


Free Pagemaker telugu tutorial Part 1

pagemaker telugu tutorial

Adobe PageMaker  is the “world’s leading cross- platform professional page
layout software”. PageMaker is primarily used for designing and producing publication that
requires a combination of text and graphics. PageMaker  has a rich array of facilities to
import text and artwork from other computer application packages, as well as allowing you to
generate these directly form within PageMaker itself. PageMaker can handle text better than
Illustrator and PhotoShop and also give you the flexibility of graphic control not available in
world processors

Layers allow you to place elements on over the other. It can be thought of as
sheets stacked up one on top of the other. You can place elements on these layers or temporarily
hide the layers. These layers can be used for adding imitations, floating or background images.

There is a new concept of frames in PageMaker , which can hold any type of
text or images. PageMaker’s freeform layout capabilities have become even more flexible with
its frame and text controls.

PageMaker can work seamlessly with PhotoShop, Illustrator etc. It also builds the
ability to drag and drop images and elements directly from one of these applications to the other

PageMaker  introduces new color technologies, which helps in reproducing
high fidelity colors in you publications. A new desktop color separation tool is also included.
The Kodak color management system now supports the international Consortium of Standard
for sharing device profiles