April 26, 2024

Telugu Tech Tuts


Ms Access Training in telugu

Ms Access Training in telugu

Access forms are much like paper forms: you can use them to enter, edit, or display data. They are based on tables. When using a form, you can choose the format, the arrangement, and which fields you want to display. This lesson teaches you how to create forms.
Using the Form Button

Access can automatically create several types of forms. For example, when you click the Form button on the Create tab, Access places all fields in the selected table on a form. If the table has a one-to-many relationship with one other table or query, Access creates a stacked form (the records are displayed in a column) for the primary table and a datasheet for the related table. If there are several tables with a one-to-many relationship, Access does not create the datasheet.

The Form tool automatically creates a form that is bound, or connected, to a single data source, either a table or a query. You select your data source, click a button, and Access creates the form. The new form displays all the fields in the data source, but you can remove any fields that you don’t want to see.

 In the Navigation Pane, select the table or query that you want to use as the data source for the form.
 Click the Create tab, and in the Forms group, click Form. The new form opens in Layout view, which gives you a chance to change it.
 Optionally, change your form. For example, you can easily remove a control that you don’t need by right-clicking the control and clicking Delete.
 After you finish, save your work — and there’s your form.

The Form tool is a good choice for smaller forms, and you’ll create one in the practice. But what if you need to work with a lot of data? That’s next.