April 19, 2024

Telugu Tech Tuts


Photoshop telugu tutorials Part 16

photoshop telugu tutorials

Edit Menu Commands

Selected pixels can be copied, cut, pasted and deleted using the commands in the Edit menu. The Paste and Paste Into commands can be used to paste copied or cut areas into the same image or into another open document.

The Copy command will copy the selected pixels on the active layer. This stores the pixel information in memory on the computer’s Clipboard where it will stay until something replaces it or until the computer is turned off. The keyboard shortcut for the Copy command is Ctrl-C (Cmd-C).
Copying With the Move Tool (Duplicate)

copying a selection with the Move tool The Move tool can be used to create copies that aren’t placed on the Clipboard. To do so, hold down the Alt (Option) key while dragging the selected area with the Move tool. This is called duplicating. The copy will be placed on the same layer as the original. You can also drag a selection from one image to another using the Move tool by itself.
Copy Merged

This is similar to the Copy command but it will copy the pixel information from all visible layers that have pixels within the selection marquee. The merged copy will be stored on the Clipboard. The keyboard shortcut is Shift-Ctrl-C (Shift-Cmd-C).

The Cut command will remove the selected pixels from the active layer and will store the data on the Clipboard. The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl-X (Cmd-X).

When a selection has been copied or cut and the pixel information is still stored in the Clipboard, using the Paste command will place the selected area onto a new layer in the current image. The new layer will be inserted above the active layer. The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl-V (Cmd-V).

If there is a selection active in the image into which you are pasting, the pixels will be centred in relation to the selection. If there is no selection, the pixels will be centred in relation to the document bounds.

If the source and destination documents are at different resolutions, pasting from one to the other will cause the pasted content to be larger or smaller than expected. It’s advisable to make the resolution of both documents the same before copying and pasting if size will be an issue.

If the source and destination documents have different colour modes, pasting will convert the pixels to the mode of the destination document.
Paste Into

The Paste Into command pastes the pixels into a selection and everything outside the selection border will be hidden in the image. This is accomplished through the use of a layer mask which we’ll learn about in the next module. The keyboard shortcut is Shift-Ctrl-V (Shift-Cmd-V).

Paste Into example

We took the clipping group example and re-created it using the Paste Into command. A selection was made of the text and half circle (by using a layer that was deleted afterwards). The entire sunset image was copied from another document and pasted into the selection with the Paste Into command.

The Clear command replaces selected pixels with transparency or the background colour. The result depends on the type of layer that is active.

On a regular layer with transparency unlocked, the pixels will be replaced by transparency.
On a Background layer or a layer with transparency locked, the pixels will be replaced by the current background colour.

result of using Clear on different layer types

The keyboard shortcut for the Clear command is Backspace (Delete) This command does not copy the pixels to the clipboard like the Cut command does.
Edit Menu Commands Summary

The Copy command will copy the selected pixels on the active layer and store them on the Clipboard.
To duplicate, hold down the Alt (Option) key while dragging the selected area with the Move tool.
Copy Merged will copy the pixel information from all visible layers that have pixels within the selection marquee. The merged copy will be stored on the Clipboard.
The Cut command will remove the selected pixels from the active layer and will store the data on the Clipboard.
The Paste command will place a copied or cut area onto a new layer in the current image.
The Paste Into command pastes copied or cut pixels into a selection and everything outside the selection border will be hidden by a layer mask.
The Clear command replaces selected pixels with transparency or the background colour. If transparency is unlocked on the active layer, the pixels will be deleted. If transparency is locked, the pixels will be replaced by the current background colour.

Edit Menu Commands Keyboard Shortcuts:

Copy: Ctrl-C (Cmd-C)
Duplicate: Alt (Option) while dragging with Move tool
Copy Merged: Shift-Ctrl-C (Shift-Cmd-C)
Cut: Ctrl-X (Cmd-X)
Paste: Ctrl-V (Cmd-V)
Paste Into: Shift-Ctrl-V (Shift-Cmd-V)
Clear: Backspace (Delete)